Thursday, 25 June 2015

The dinner dance in aid of Beaumond House Community Hospice will take place on Saturday 3rd October 2015 in the Dome at Kelham Hall.   (Start time 7:00 for 7:30)

Well …. what is the dinner dance all about?  Apart from raising money to support the services of Beaumond House Community Hospice, the dinner dance has developed out of a challenge that Beaumond House issued in 2014 for volunteers to climb Mount Kilimanjaro in 2016 and to raise money in aid of the hospice as part of the challenge.

I volunteered to do the trek and when my younger daughter heard that I was doing it, she decided she wanted to join me.  We decided to join forces and put on a dinner dance, which would have a 1940s theme with live band, to meet our funding challenge in aid of the hospice.  Since we are paying all the personal costs of the trek ourselves then all the profit from the dinner dance will go to the hospice.  We are hoping to raise about £3000 for the hospice. 

Tickets are £35 per person and will include meal, DJ and live music from Jayne Darling and her band, Jump ‘n’ Jive.  Guests are encouraged to enjoy the atmosphere the music will generate by dressing in fashions and military uniforms from the 1940s.   There will also be a chance to win some great prizes in the raffle.  

As a great memento of your evening a photographer will take your photograph. Part of the proceeds of the picture sales is going to be donated to Beaumond House Hospice.  

We are in the process of obtaining sponsorship to help cover the costs of the event.  We want as much as possible of the money raised from ticket sales to go to the hospice.  The more money that is raised through sponsorship or businesses paying for adverts in the event programme then more can go to Beaumond House.

If you are a business, or a very generous individual, then details of the sponsorship packages we are offering can be found on our sponsorship page or we can be contacted directly to discuss this.  If you would like to kindly donate raffle prizes, please contact us.

Note: This is a ticket only event.

Ticket price £35
Reservations for tickets can be made by phoning Stewart on 0743 545 3951 or emailing for instructions.

All monies for reservations must be received before tickets are dispatched. 

Tickets can now be ordered from reception at Beaumond House Hospice, 32 London Road, Newark,  NG24 1TW.